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Volunteering with Norfolk Fire Museum


The museum is always looking for willing volunteers to help with...



Preservation of vehicles

Within our workshop we restore, preserve and maintain a wide range of fire appliances, other vehicles and equipment illustrating the history of firefighting in the County of Norfolk going back as far as the 17th Century. This work ranges from mechanical to bodywork repair and restoration.


Attending and helping at events

Throughout the year the museum attends many public events such as vintage vehicle rallies and fire station open days to raise the profile of the museum. Volunteers are always required to man our displays and interact with the public. Vehicle drivers are also needed (with the correct licence class).


As no formal funding is received by the museum we are always looking at fundraising at the events we attend through such ways as tombola’s and retail sales. Without such income we would be unable to continue to build and maintain the collections in our care for future generations to appreciate.

Fire Safety education/school visits

A key feature of the museums aims and objectives is to advance education about the dangers of fire through the distribution of fire safety information material and the delivery of fire safety presentations to schools and social groups within the County of Norfolk.



Please Contact Us For More Info Here


©Norfolk Fire Museum.  Registered Charity No. 1181921. England, UK.

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